Osteopathy is a relatively new treatment method based on the manual manipulation of various body tissues. Osteopathy sees the body as a self-regulating system as opposed to looking at organs, muscles or bones separately. Our osteopath will examine mobility, location, contraction, and  even the temperature of tissues (such as,  muscles or fasciae) with his or her hands only. All of the detected and unwanted changes will be corrected with the most gentle  hand movements. The value of this method lies in the chance to detect a problem and reverse it in its earliest stages, even when traditional medical screening methods – including ultrasounds, X-rays or blood tests – cannot provide full information about the condition. As no pharmaceuticals are involved, the method is completely safe so even infants and pregnant women can benefit from it.

Osteopathy is a legal medical practice both in Russia and in Europe, as well as in the United States.

As everything old is new again, osteopathy is the reinvention of ancient treatment methods. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine, an experienced doctor was able to detect up to a thousand variations of human pulse.

Osteopathy is a distinct health care system that is complimentary to other medical practices.

What is the duration of an osteopathic treatment?

We normally allow 40 to 45 minutes for an adult appointment, and about 30 to 40 minutes for junior children. The appointment starts with osteopathic diagnostics followed by corrective manipulation of the defined problems, and the final evaluation of treatment effectiveness at the end of the appointment.

How many appointments should I expect to have?

The number of necessary visits is individual and depends on the severity of condition, patient’s complaints and general state. In our experience, in case of back pain 3 to 5 visits will be necessary for long-lasting results.

How long will the osteopathic treatment results last?

In addition to osteopathic treatment, the osteopath will provide patients with personalized follow-up recommendations. Following those you can definitely secure long lasting treatment results.

Will any screening tests be necessary before the visit?

During your first visit the osteopath will determine and advise you on the necessity of screening tests such as ultrasound, X-ray, MRT or angiography.

What is the difference between osteopathic and manual therapy?

Although both osteopath and manual therapist’s main instrument is their hands, there is still a significant difference in approach. The principal difference is that manual therapists affect primarily musculoskeletal system, whereas osteopathic treatment deals with all human organs and tissues encouraging proper balance between them and causing all body systems to function as one whole organism.



The osteopath

Graduated with a degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the medical faculty of Saint-Petersburg State University, and a diploma in Osteopathy from the St. Petersburg State University and Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University Institute of Osteopathy.

Working language: Russian, English.



The osteopath

Studied osteopathy on the basis of professional association of visceral therapists in Yekaterinburg. Owns techniques of myofascial relaxation, visceral and structural techniques for the correction of somatic dysfunction. Graduated osteopathy training at the Caucasian School of Osteopathy, a student of Liza Astakhova.

Working language: Russian



The osteopath

Graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine. Passed residency training and postgraduate studies at Belarusian Medical Academy with a degree in Obstetrics and Gynaecology .

Graduated osteopathy training at the Caucasian School of Osteopathy, a student of Liza Astakhova.

Communication language: Georgian, Russian



The osteopath

Graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University with a degree in General Medicine. Passed residency training and postgraduate studies at Belarusian Medical Academy with a degree in surgery. Graduated osteopathy training at the Caucasian School of Osteopathy, a student of Liza Astakhova.

Working language: Georgian, Russian, English
