Eccentric training

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | December 2nd, 2019

Dear Friends, a new type of physiotherapy exercises has appeared in our Center – eccentric training.

What is it and why is it useful?

At the time of any training stress, the muscles are shortened or lengthened. The phase in which the muscle is “shortened” is called concentric, and the phase in which it lengthens is called eccentric.

Eccentric training is training on the eccentric phase. During such a training, the specialist creates a load in which the tense muscle lengthens. Exercises are performed against resistance to the hands of a rehabilitologist.

How does this happen in practice?

Eccentric training restores the biomechanics and symmetry of the body, adjusts coordinated work of muscles, improves functionality of the musculoskeletal system. During training, large joints of cervical and thoracic as well as shoulder girdle are worked.

The course of exercises is developed individually, according to the results of functional testing of the spine, joints and muscles, diagnostics of the musculoskeletal system.

Eccentric training is indicated in the following cases:

1) correction of posture as the body symmetry is restored and muscle imbalance is eliminated.

2) chronic back pain, osteochandrosis, hernias and protrusions as deep back muscles are trained, muscle blocks and cramps are eliminated.

3) recovery period after childbirth and injuries, since coordinated work of the muscles is tuned, functionality and mobility is improved.

4) prevention of injuries: during an eccentric training, muscles increase control over the body, as they begin to contract earlier with rapid movements. This helps to better protect joints from damage.

5) weight reduction: 72 hours after exercises, metabolism is noticeably accelerated and fatty tissue is actively burned (data from Wayne University research).

6) improvement of athletes performance since this quickly leads to an increase in muscle mass and strength. Flexibility is markedly improved and coordination of movements is developed as well. For example, jumping performance is improved even without special jumping exercises.

Contraindications to eccentric training:

1. acute inflammatory phase of joint diseases;

2. acute inflammatory process;

3. oncological diseases.

After a “lazy” eccentric session, the feelings are as if after a workout. Within 2-3 days, muscle delayed onset muscle soreness is possible. However, the body quickly adapts to these types of load, becomes more resilient, better resists injuries.

How often is it recommended to practice?

Once a week – if there is another type of physical activity.

2-3 times – if you do only eccentric training.

To sign up for a diagnosis, consultation and first session, call

+995 32 2 904 605,

+995 555 109 606